Things To Know When Considering a Transmission Rebuild

A transmission rebuild aims to bring it back to life. Rather than replacing a few components, a rebuild is a technical process where the objective is to make the transmission like new. Before embarking on a transmission rebuild, here are the things you must take into consideration.

The Process of a Transmission Rebuild

1. Inspection

The process begins with checking for visible signs of wear and tear and diagnosing issues. A comprehensive diagnostic test will help to pinpoint problems.

2. Disassembly

Disassembling the transmission requires incredible attention to detail. Then, catalogue each component and assess them for damage. This inspection will reveal the true condition of every part of the transmission.

3. Parts Replacement

Replace faulty or worn-out components with new or refurbished parts. Common replacement parts may include seals, gaskets, clutches, and bands.

4. Reassembly

With all the necessary parts replaced, skilled technicians will carefully reassemble the transmission following the manufacturer’s specifications.

5. Testing

The final step is to determine if the rebuilt transmission is functional and safe. This assessment includes a static test—performed without the engine running—and a dynamic test under real driving conditions.

The Cost of a Rebuild

Before proceeding with a transmission rebuild, it’s crucial to consider the cost. While choosing a rebuild can be more cost-effective than buying new or used, it’s still an investment. The total expense can fluctuate based on various factors: the damage extent, the vehicle’s make and model, and the service provider’s labor rates.

The Length of the Transmission Rebuild

A transmission rebuild is a time-intensive process that ranges from a few days to several weeks. The transmission’s complexity, parts availability, and the repair shop’s current workload influence the rebuild timeframe. Vehicle owners should assess the potential impact of vehicle unavailability and make other transportation arrangements.

The Vehicle’s Age and Condition

The age and condition of your vehicle can help you determine if a transmission rebuild is worth it. Old vehicles or those with extensive wear may not benefit from a rebuild. New vehicles or those in good condition could see improved lifespan and performance from a rebuild.

Potential Drawbacks of a Transmission Rebuild

Before considering a transmission rebuild, you’ll need to know some potential obstacles.

The Technician’s Automotive Expertise

Before placing your vehicle into the hands of another, select a trustworthy automotive technician. A less skilled technician increases the likelihood of errors in reassembly or improper installation.

The Quality of Replacement Parts

Not all parts are of equal quality. Conducting a transmission rebuild with inferior replacement parts will degrade the longevity of the vehicle, as well as the effectiveness of the process.

Transparts Warehouse is a reputable automatic transmission parts supplier that will ensure you receive high-quality parts for the transmission rebuild. Search for the parts you need based on the vehicle’s make, model, and year.