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Monthly Archives: June 2021

  1. Signs of a Clogged Transmission Filter (and How To Fix It)

    One of the most common causes of transmission problems is also one of the easiest to avoid: a clogged transmission filter. To resolve this issue, all you need to do is clean or replace the dirty filter, and you’re good to go. Unfortunately, many people forget to complete this essential maintenance task, which can have a variety of negative effects on the lifespan and operation of their transmissions and potentially require drivers to replace their transmission. To prevent this problem from causing substantial damage, keep an eye out for these common signs of a clogged transmission filter and how to fix it. 


    The Role of a Transmission Filter

    A transmission filter removes any dirt, metal particles, or other debris in your vehicle’s transmission fluid. In doing so, it facilitates the smooth flow of fluid throughout the transmission to prevent moving parts from grinding against each other or other operational issues. 


    Symptoms of a Clogged Transmission Filter

    If a transmission filter becomes clogged, you will notice several warning signs. Being aware of these red flags will allow you to resolve the issue as soon as possible to prevent damage from befalling one of the most crucial components of your vehicle. Below, we will list some of the most notable signs of a clogged transmission filter. 


    Transmission Fluid Leaks

    When a transmission filter becomes clogged, the fluid inside of the system won’t flow as smoothly as it should. As a result, several internal components, such as seals, gaskets, and bearings, may experience premature wear and tear or become loose. In such cases, transmission fluid may begin to leak out of the system. If you notice even a small fluid leak coming from your vehicle, you should immediately look for the source of the issue to prevent serious transmission issues from developing.

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  • What Does the Transmission Rebuild Process Look Like?

    Over time, a vehicle’s transmission may start to experience wear and tear. In cases where the system has experienced extensive damage, a transmission rebuild may be necessary. If you’re contemplating having this intensive procedure done, you may be wondering, “What does the transmission rebuild process look like?” To better understand the rebuild process and what it entails, consult this helpful guide.

    Removing the Transmission

    The first step in the transmission rebuild process is removing the system from your vehicle. While a transmission removal may seem simple enough, it is actually a highly complicated process. It’s important to enlist the help of a professional transmission technician to complete this and all other steps in the transmission rebuild process to avoid causing further damage to the complex system.

    Dismantling the Transmission

    Once the transmission has been removed, the transmission specialist will proceed to dismantle the system. During this step, every single part in the entire transmission will get taken apart so that the specialist can inspect them all individually. 

    Cleaning and Inspecting the Transmission

    After the transmission has been completely disassembled, the specialist will proceed to clean each individual part. In addition, the specialist will also conduct a thorough inspection to locate the cause of the transmission issue. 

    Removing and Replacing Any Worn or Defective Components

    Based on the results of the inspection, the specialist will then remove any components that appear damaged or worn out. Such components will get replaced with brand new parts to ensure that the transmission will work smoothly in the future.

    Conducting Any Necessary Electrical Repairs

    If the various components in the transmission do not show signs of wear and tear, the issue likely lies with an electrical malfunction

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  • How To Help Your Car's Transmission Beat the Heat

    Now that the colder months of the year are behind us and temperatures have started to rise, your transmission must face off against one of its biggest foes: heat. Overheating is the leading cause of transmission problems and failures. To prevent heat damage from befalling one of the most crucial components in your vehicle, check out these tips on how to help your car’s transmission beat the heat.

    Refill Low Transmission Fluid Levels

    Low fluid levels are one of the top causes of transmission overheating. Without an ample amount of transmission fluid, the many moving parts of a transmission will not get the lubrication they require. As a result, the metal components will rub and grind against each other, ultimately creating friction that produces excess heat. Over time, such friction may cause the transmission to overheat. As such, it is important to check your transmission fluid periodically to ensure it is at the right level. If your transmission has low fluid levels, make sure to have it inspected for any potential leaks. 

    Keep Your Transmission Fluid Clean

    In addition to keeping your transmission fluid at the appropriate level, you should also make sure that it is clean. When transmission fluid becomes contaminated with dust, metal particles, and other debris, it won't flow through the transmission smoothly. As a result, excess friction and heat will likely form.

    To prevent your transmission from overheating, make sure to change your transmission filter on a regular basis and check the fluid periodically. If the transmission fluid appears discolored, smells burnt, or has any debris floating around inside it, make sure to have it changed. 

    Avoid Driving Practices the Place Added Stress on the Transmission

    Another way to help your car’s transmission beat the heat is to avoid driving in a way that will place it under added stress. For example, you should avoid overloading your vehicle beyond the wei

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