What To Do When Your Transmission Starts Slipping

Slipping gears are the sporadic upshift and downshift of the transmission. You can hear them grinding as they struggle to lock into the proper gear. This issue takes a toll on the transmission and makes driving difficult.

If you experience a slipping transmission while driving, examine the vehicle as soon as possible. You might risk a challenging repair if you ignore this issue, but you can resolve it. Find out the potential causes and what to do when your transmission starts slipping so you can get back to driving comfortably and safely.

Check the Transmission Fluid

Low transmission fluid is one of the most common causes of a slipping transmission. You can solve this issue by filling up the transmission fluid. Check for additional reasons the fluid ran out.

Take your vehicle for a test drive and see if it slips gears. Then, search for any signs of leakage. Cracks in the fluid line or oil pan are common. Remember to examine these areas to ensure the transmission fluid is secure and the gears won’t slip in the future.

Fix a Worn or Broken Transmission Band

Transmission bands are made of steel and wrap tightly around the drum to pause its rotation. The material on the inside is designed to grip the drum and block movement. Over time, the inside of the band will wear down and lose its gripping ability. You’ll feel the transmission slip gears while driving.

Check the transmission band to see if the inside appears worn down. Replace this component before it damages the transmission or results in gear failure.

Repair a Damaged or Broken Clutch

The purpose of the clutch is to assist the transmission in shifting gears. It plays a key role in both manual and automatic transmissions. What do you do when the transmission starts slipping? If the cause isn’t low transmission fluid or a worn transmission band, the problem likely lies in the clutch. Examine the clutch for any cracks or wear. Consider replacing the part so your transmission shifts smoothly once again.

Investing in performance transmission parts is the best way to repair a slipping transmission. High-quality parts from Transparts Warehouse will ensure you have the best products for this important repair.