Spare Auto Parts You Should Always Have on Hand

Grinding gears, wobbly tires, and squeaky brakes are all unpleasant signs that something in your vehicle is not right. How can you fix such an issue when you’re in the middle of driving?

Preparing yourself for unexpected vehicle breakdowns is a great way to protect yourself and others while on the road. Here are the spare auto parts you should always have on hand in case of a malfunction.

Belts and Hoses

A broken belt or hose can cause overheating or loss of power steering. These dangerous circumstances might leave you stranded on the road or compromise your ability to maneuver your vehicle safely. We recommend carrying spare belts and hoses in your car, especially when embarking on a long trip.

Spark Plugs

A bad spark plug can have detrimental effects on your engine’s performance, including frequent misfires. The loss of power can lead to a complete stall, meaning the engine won’t run at all.

Keep a spare spark plug in the trunk of your car. Additionally, you’ll need a good set of tools to get the job done anywhere you are. These tools include a torque wrench, spark plug socket, spark plug gap gauges, and flexible ratchets.

Brake Pads

Every time you stop the vehicle, the brake pads are at work. Vehicles that have worn-out brake pads may emit a squeaking, squealing, or clicking sound in severe cases. It’s also common to experience the vehicle pulling to one side.

Never risk jeopardizing your or anyone’s safety. Having a set of spare brake pads in your car will ensure you protect yourself and others on the road. Not to mention, preemptive repairs can save you from extensive braking system repairs down the line.

Spare Tire

The tires are another component that drives the functionality of your vehicle. Low temperatures can result in low tire pressure, or you may drive over rugged nails on the interstate, causing a flat tire. You never know what may happen, so it’s always essential to keep a spare tire in your car.

The spare tire, along with a jack and tire iron, should be a permanent fixture in your trunk. Make sure to check the condition of your spare tire regularly, as low tire pressure or damage could render it useless at a crucial time.

Transmission Filters

Transmission fluid circulates through the system to ensure proper lubrication and temperature control. The whole system will endure significant damage if it experiences contamination.

A transmission filter is a key spare auto part to always have on hand. This device prevents harmful debris from entering the transmission fluid. Contaminate buildup restricts the fluid’s flow, causing a multitude of transmission problems.

Having a spare transmission filter nearby is a smart move. A filter change may alleviate the problem if your vehicle begins to exhibit signs of issues—such as difficulty in shifting gears, slipping gears, or a sudden surge in power.

Automatic transmission parts suppliers, like Transparts Warehouse, will supply you with all the backup transmission parts you need for a carefree drive. Transparts Warehouse is the place for high-quality and durable replacement parts, whether you’re operating a classic car or a modern vehicle with frequent struggles.