How To Tell When Your Transmission Cooler Needs Replacement

It’s no secret that car engines get hotter the longer they run, but one thing that some people might not realize is that the same thing can happen with their automatic transmission. Fortunately, this part of your vehicle has a cooler that reduces the fluids’ overall temperature.

However, the day will eventually come in which it will either malfunction or stop working altogether. Worse, it’s not always apparent when that system goes out. This is why we’ve put together this guide on how to tell when your transmission cooler needs replacement. That way, you can repair it before the situation gets worse.

The Check Engine Light Turns On

Of course, the number one way to know that something inside your car has gone amiss is seeing that the check engine light has turned on. Even though this is a transmission problem, the higher heat that a broken cooler will cause can set off this indicator. While this is the easiest method for determining that something is wrong with your transmission cooler, there’s a whole host of other reasons why this light might have turned on.

Your Fluid Levels Are Too Low

A more reliable way to know that something with your cooler is wrong is to look at your transmission fluid level. You should check all your car’s fluids regularly, but if you don’t, this is the first place to look if you suspect something is wrong.

If the problem has persisted for long enough, you’ll eventually find out because your car will leak transmission fluid all over the ground. Your cooler is likely to blame if you find red or reddish-brown pools of liquid under your vehicle.

There’s an Odd Noise or Smell

Sight isn’t the only sense that you’ll have to rely on to know how to tell when your transmission cooler needs replacement, though. You can use your ears and nose as well. If you hear loud, grinding noises when your car switches gears, this is a clear indication that your fluid levels are lower than they should be. That excess friction could also potentially lead to a smell of burning transmission fluid. It’s quite unpleasant. So if this happens, you will be very aware of the issue.

Your Engine Is Overheating

Even though the previous points are the best ways to know that your cooler has gone bad, there’s one final way to figure this out. Since the transmission is usually right next to your car’s engine, the increased heat output could spill over into your engine. If you notice certain engine problems but can’t locate the source, they could originate from an overheating transmission.

How To Fix the Issue

Even though transmission cooler repairs are possible in some cases, they can be quite tricky, and you could end up making things worse. Fortunately, replacements are much more manageable. If you like to fix up your own car, then you should check out the transmission coolers for sale that we have in stock on our site.