5 Simple Tips To Protect Your Car’s Clutch

Every vehicle owner wants to avoid wearing down and shortening the lifespan of their car parts. It’s essential to follow good practices, starting with the clutch system. Here are five simple tips to protect your car’s clutch.

Avoid “Riding the Clutch”

There are common driving practices that people don’t realize are bad for your vehicle. In particular, “riding the clutch” is when you rest your foot on the clutch pedal when you’re not shifting gears. Even the tiniest bit of force can start the system.

The pressure causes unnecessary heat and friction that strains the clutch, wears out the plate and bearings, and shortens the system’s lifespan.

That said, it’s best to rest your foot flat on the floor to prevent engaging the clutch.

Don’t Overuse Clutch on Uphill Starts

If you're on an incline, use the hand brake to keep your vehicle still when you use the clutch to put your car into gear. You strain the clutch and gearbox if you push down the clutch and roll backward while waiting for the gear to engage. This easy tip helps you avoid wear on your clutch and gear system.

Come to Steady Stops

Another simple tip to protect your car’s clutch is to come to steady stops. As you approach traffic or a red light, slowly shift down. Doing so prevents harsh and abrupt stops that wear down your clutch system. In some cases, you’ll see that traffic flows or the light turns green, and you won’t have to come to a complete stop. However, shifting down avoids clutch slippage.

Don’t Be Aggressive With the Clutch

Shifting aggressively between gears isn’t a good idea. Even if you have a high-performance sports vehicle (that can handle violent shifts), it’s best to be mindful while shifting gears. When you shift the right way, you prevent grinding the gears and damaging the clutch. You also avoid internal damage like transmission problems.

Leave the Car Neutral When Stopped

It's best to leave your car neutral when you stop. Constantly pressing the clutch pedal and staying in gear when using the brake system is too much for your vehicle. It puts wear and tear on your clutch system and leads to internal issues.

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